Sunday, September 11, 2011

On Government

  A human government should never be allowed to exist in any form other than that in which it is intended.  If one reads the declaration of independence, it is ingeniously written, and shines light on the fact that the political bonds that bind us together are voluntary. It is a statement therein that both god's nature, and nature's god, have made men equal.  It is a choice to be tied together into groups such as nations. 
  Such being said, why do we choose to be bound under any government if it uses our money for our hurt?  It is a lively realization, that a government should be no more than what one would see it to be among friends, or roomates.  A government should by no way ever be anything more than a group of people pooling together Thier resources in order to accomplish communal goals.
  If we want safe streets, let's have a police force, good roads: taxes to maintain them, safe borders: tax for reasonable and discussed national defense.  But where did we sign to blindly have our money taken out from us before we recieve it in hand? Where did we sign away the right to choose to what it goes? It was for these reasons of taxation without representation that the declaration of independence was written.
  Laws and government have become titans that rule over men as sheep. But what are laws more than ink on paper? Can ink take away men's god given rights? Apparently it can, when dressed with badges and bearing guns. But why? If we have chosen to be bound together, then who has taken our safety strings and contorted them into puppeting nets?
  Perhaps the time is coming again to dissolve those bands we choose to yoke ourselves with, and to re align our means of community.  Perhaps a democracy should be written more carefully, with a constitution not so easily outwritten in burying heaps of legislature.

  I propose these as a constitution.

  One: all laws must be voted in by majority.
This vote should be done as real as possible. Given internet, why have electoral votes?
  Two: all laws will have attatched to them the reason they are made.
  Three: all laws will be reviewed every 3 years, or sooner if majority agrees to review it. Upon review, a law will be renewed, anulled, or amended. If amended or anulled, a reason will be added, along with the date. Upon each review, the entire history of the law's creation, and amendments, and annulments, will be read, and discussed in public, before being voted on.  This way a law will never be used for any purpose other than its intended use, and the people can see the intent of the law, and have understanding about it, before choosing its fate. All anulled laws will also be reviewed, once every 6 years, or sooner if so desired by the people.

  Everything will be subject to these three rules of democracy.
A congress, or president, will exist only if chosen by the people, and only for as long as they wish. 
  Once a law is created, a budget, tax, and means of accomplishing it will be discussed, and attatched to the law.
  This is the constituency of government.


Recommended laws:

I suggest these laws for consideration:

The law of educated majority:
 What:  A test will be made to test the intelligence and capability of a person to make decisions pertaining to the welfare and government of the people.  It will include resource management, technology, history, sociology, and current events.  Any person who passes this test gets a double vote.     
  This ensures that the people choose to educate themselves on the matters important to understand to vote responsibly.  If there are electoral, or state votes, then each state's or electoral's vote would be doubled if the majority passed the exam of mental fitness to vote.
Why:   Because democracy only works if the majority of the people are well educated.

Law of freedom of education.
 What:  In a day such as our own, when internet and digital media exist, there is no reason to not have educational ciriculum free online.  A national standard should be made, and courses designed to educate and train people in all careers. These training courses should be made available for free on the internet.  If an individual completes a course, and successfully passes an exam at the end of it, then they will obtain a permit for examination in that subject.
  Upon recieving the permit, an individual may go to the local education house, of which one will be appointed in each state.  This will be an educational center funded by the people.  Testing will be done here. If the individual can pass the examination standard for the subject of Thier permit, they are awarded a degree for that course and career.
  If the states desire to have schools to teach these materials hands on, they have the right to vote on that issue, and to supply the taxes necesary to run such educational programs, or to allow private colleges to exist, but the people as a nation will pay taxes to supply one educational center for testing and diplomas per state, and all education will be standardized across the nation.
  Why:   This will help to ensure a proper standard of education across the nation, and provide an equal opportunity to all individuals to make of themselves as much as they wish.  It will also assure that we have people properly trained in the careers necesary to improve our county's health.

Wealth tax
  What:   Individuals with incredible wealth will pay a wealth tax. This tax will be a percentage of Thier wealth above whatever amount is considered fair by majority vote. The tax percentage will also be voted on.
  Why:  Realizing that money is influence and power, it is best to avoid allowing wealth to be accumulated in few hands to vast degrees, in order to protect democracy.

And of course, realizing this would be a democracy, such recommendations, along with the recommendation for maintenance on a highway system, a military for self defense, and an assigment of one "ambassador to the states" from each state to meet and discuss national matters in an abrevieted and timely way, are simply suggestions. 

  I suggest this as a model for government.  It preserves democracy, while making it difficult to turn it into a fuedalistic corporately ran control scheme, like is currently happening in USA.

For your consideration, and discussion.
Sincerely, Robert Janos.

Please, amend and add to it.

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