Perhaps the best way to put it is that I have found a new way to look at the universe. To start, let’s deal with one expression.
“Everything is the same size, everywhere at once.”
This might seem odd to you, but consider it, and it won’t be anymore.
We tend to consider a thing as an object. We perceive borders and limits to it based on it’s influences. We see the edges, and feel it’s shape. These are only two facets of an object though. They aren’t even exactly the same. They are just very close, from our perspective of things.
If you consider it, the appearance of a thing is really just the light that reflects off of it and comes back towards you and actually reaches into your eyes. Yes, you can scale that as a certain size, but is it the only one? If you consider the size it has in your hands, you are considering another one of the boundaries it has as an atomic structure, measuring the pressure of its electron shell against yours.
But if you look at some of the other considerations of an object’s boundaries, you might find them slightly less limiting.
For example: heat. If you look at a person under infrared, they have different density in different spots, just how in an x-ray photograph, people are mostly transparent. Barely solid at all... except for bones.
If we had x-ray vision, we would only seem to be walking, talking skeletons, with a slight mist around us. We might call it an aura, instead of flesh. Hmm...
If we look at fire in this way, where are it’s boundaries? There is a visual edge, the licking of the flames. But there is also a definite heat profile that extends beyond that. If my hand is even two feet from the fire, it starts to burn. A stick will even catch ablaze while still a few inches from the flames. I guess the fire is more than meets the eye, eh?
But where do we decide to impose the limit? Where is this outer heat boundary for example? Is it where I feel hot? Or just warm? Is it where I can even feel it at all from? Or, if I use a heavy metal as a standard, instead of my hand, maybe the fire isn’t solid at all, it’s just like a slight disturbance in the air. A mere breeze.
This same logic applies electrically. A magnet obviously has pull and presence beyond the boundaries that we can visually apply to it. It has a definite, stable field surrounding it. I suppose then that if we were magnetically based creatures, and looked at the world through electromagnetic fields, we would see magnets as larger than we do.
Consider this then. The Sun. Do we call its borders at the edge of the lake of fire? Where the hydrogen is rolling around in vapors? Or do we wade deep into the molten center? Or really, is it solid at all?
If we look at things as they are in the universe, they are percieved to have boundaries based on how far from their centers they have an present effect that exceeds the lower limit of perception, what we would call a zero point.
It is until it isn’t perceivable anymore.
The edge of an apple is where my skin feels it against me, the water ends where the air begins, and the sun is as big as I can see with my eyes.
The problem that arises from this is the problem that it is, namely, a limited scope of things.
If we look at the sun for what it is, namely a cluster of hydrogen gas that is combusting on a subatomic level, we can see it for what it is. These atoms of hydrogen are all made of protons and electrons. When they split apart are they no longer there? Not at all! If anything that’s when they exist more to us.
The seperation of the parts of the atom release the quarks and the other constituents of the atom into an explosion of smaller pieces. Some of these pieces we consider to be matter, and some of them we consider to be energy.
In quantum physics we understand that both are the same, they are manifestations of vibration, or density. Stuff, basically, in space. Light is as much a thing as a rock. It is just made up of relatively smaller pieces, that we specifically call photons. These photons are what we see. As they are flying millions of miles, some of them make it all the way to our eyes, right through that black pupil, and collide at light-speed with receptors in the back of your eye. When they do, they explode violently into a sub nuclear reaction in your atoms, and create a recognizable energy output. These collisions of light-speed miniature comets flying from space out of the sun and hitting you right in the eye happen frequently enough that we consider it a continual flow, and don’t even see it as what it is, a non-stop barrage of cosmic particles exploding on the surface of your body.
Some of them are absorbed by the core, and released as radiation, heat, and electricity. And some are “reflected” or even just explode or glare on the outer surface, like a shooting star passing through the earth’s atmosphere. (We will get into what "reflection" really is later.)
They are all tiny little space rocks though. Physical things.
So if we look at the sun again. Where are it's boundaries? Do they stop at the core (if it’s solid at all), or at the liquid edge? (if it even has one) Does it end where we perceive a significant drop in the density of the hydrogen cloud? Or does it extend to the boundaries of it’s smaller parts?
Well, do we consider the oceans and air as a part of the Earth? Certainly we do.
In that case the sun is much larger than most people think.
If we look at the heliosphere (the atmospheric bubble around the sun, caused by it’s "winds") the sun extends out billions of kilometers, and we are inside of it. Like a mitochondria in a cell, we are well within it’s boundaries, or comparative cell wall. At the end of that we have the heliosheath, and then once we finally get to that edge of the sun, as far as is perceived by the solar wind slowing down to a comparative pause with the interstellar winds, we also then have the bow shock.
In that stance, the sun is an organism, or system, much larger than most people ever imagine. We are, in fact, inside of it. But all we care to notice as the sun is its core (as relative to us). But then again, who can blame you for not seeing air, until you step outside of it.
There are atleast two more currently conceivable boundaries that exist.
If you just researched the heliosphere, you credit that as legit. But we still have all those tiny space rocks called photons that create a giant sphere around the hydrogen core of the sun. If we remember that they are solid, then shouldn’t the sun be considered to be as large as all it’s parts? Well, at this point the sun then reaches out as far as its light can travel. It’s boundaries become an enormous interstellar sphere, with small holes carved out of it by planets and asteroids, that create little tear shaped holes in it, making it like a cosmic block of swiss cheese. We call those shadows darkness.
If we look into the night sky, hopefully with a view untainted by city lights, there are hundreds of stars visible to the naked eye, even more via telescope. In a sense then, are we inside of all those stars?
At a photon level, their boundaries do extend atleast to our skin, but what about x-rays, and gamma rays? They go even further, through us even, and in many ways we are then inside of those stars, not just floating lazily on their surface.
As if your mind isn’t completely blown yet, I’ll introduce one more layer, and then we can get into more discussions on physics, and I can aid in fixing the standard model.
Gravity. It doesn’t even comply with the standard model of particle physics. That is what got me into this study to start with: a desire to fix the current view of the universe and to unify the broken equations men hold onto so vigorously and religiously.
Let’s look at it though.
Gravity is the measured attraction of every thing to everything else. In it’s simplest sense, it is relative to the mass of one object, and the mass of the other, and is exponentially stronger the closer you get, and weaker as distances between the objects increase. (It is the actual definition of mass that is hard to define in physics, hence the hiccup.)
Simply put, bigger things, and closer things, are more attractive than smaller things and further away things. For this reason the moon orbits the Earth, not the sun. The sun may be much bigger, but it is also much much further away, and so, the Earth has a stronger gravitational pull on the moon than the sun.
Gravity can be visualized very easily. Imagine that same scenario. The moon will be white, the Earth will be blue, and the sun will be yellow. Picture each of those bodies as a ball of light. Let's have it be solid for as big as the object is (atomically), and then have it fade off in brilliancy as it extends in every direction. The closer to the object you get, the brighter the light. The further away you get, the less gravitational presence there is. Easy enough to visualize. Since the earth, in this visualization, is brighter to the moon than the sun is, the moon is more attracted to the Earth. There is just much more blue than there is yellow all around that little white dot.
In this scenario, the strength of gravity can be viewed as the combined brightness where the spheres of light overlap.
Now, here’s the issue that this brings up in our topic. Seeing that mathematically "F = Gm1m2/r^2" with the strength of gravity differing exponentially in relation to distance, where then is the edge if it fades on forever? Where do we draw the line?
There simply is none.
The presence of the sun grows and fades exponentially at an even rate. There is no distinct edge, anywhere. It is one flowing fade all the way from one infinity to another, but you will most likely never reach either end of that spectrum.
You see, nature isn’t like a computer. Values of light, or anything for that matter, aren’t based on a scale of "0-255" like in an imaging suite. When you drop below "1", there is still an infinite amount of values before you ever reach zero. It is not digital at all, it is very, very, analog.
So then, in all reality, the sun has a gravitational presence that extends to the very ends of the universe.
So does every atom.
So do you.
So.. If everything has no clear edges, but extends forever in every direction... Then I guess....
“Everything is the same size, everywhere at once.”
Every atom. Every piece.
Everything has a presence that extends forever in every direction.
Welcome to gravity. =)
I am everywhere, You are everywhere. And everything is connected.
Robert Janos July 13th, 2011